Thursday, July 05, 2007

FIR’s new sponsor: Lawrence Ragan Communications

We are delighted to announce that Lawrence Ragan Communications, Inc., has entered into a long-term sponsorship arrangement with “For Immediate Release.” Under the terms of the sponsorship, FIR will include an ad on its website (which you can see under the “FIR Sponsors” label in the right-hand sidebar of the blog) and a 30-second clip on each episode of all the various FIR podcasts (including interviews, book reviews, and speakers/speeches, in addition to The Hobson & Holtz Report). We also will announce each episode as sponsored by Ragan Communications. For its part, Ragan will promote FIR on its various properties.

We see this as a three-way win. FIR attracts new listeners from the vast ranks of Ragan customers. (We also made a bit of money, we must admit.) Ragan can promote its activities to FIR listeners. Listeners win biggest of all, given the growth in the FIR community and the related content and connections that accompany such growth. Listeners also will learn of new professional development opportunities and content channels, many of which have no cost associated with them.

Ragan has been a leading provider of communications content since internal communications legend Larry Ragan founded the company some 35 years ago. The company produces newsletters, books and manuals, conferences, seminars, workshop and teleseminars, aimed at organizational communicators. (Another Ragan business unit focuses on management skills.)

FIR will continue its association with CustomScoop, bringing our total sponsorship level to two, which is the maximum we have set for ourselves. (This is the second time we have featured two sponsors: CustomScoop joined the lineup while we were still promoting GoToMeeting.)

Please read the social media version of the press release set for distribution on July 6. We welcome your feedback on this relationship.

Posted by shel on 07/05 at 03:36 PM
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